HPC Investment

Why Purchase Resources?

Koa is free to use for all students, faculty and staff at any of the campuses in the University of Hawaii system.

While a significant amount of work can be completed using free community resources, some researchers may find that they need more storage or dedicated resources to run longer jobs than the community nodes allow or they find the wait times for community resources to significantly impede their research.

Faculty and staff can purchase or lease compute nodes to power their research and select a long term storage solution for their data.

Purchase or Lease a Node

We offer computational resources that fit the needs of your research. Gain exclusive access to compute nodes that are at your disposal through a condo node purchase or lease nodes for a time period of your choice.

Condo Nodes

Condo node purchases are available until March 27, 2024. All nodes have 25 Gbit ethernet, 100G HDR Infiniband and have a 5-year warranty.


CPU Systems
Processor (2x)CoresMemory (GB)Cost
AMD EPYC 9754S2561536 $41,530
AMD Epyc 96541921536 $28,440
Intel Xeon 6548Y+64512$18,390
GPU Systems (Base system) Max 2x GPUs per node
Processor (2x)CoresMemoryCost
AMD Epyc 933464768$21,750
Intel Xeon 6548Y+64512$21,410


GPU TypeCost

Please contact us with questions: uh-hpc-help@lists.hawaii.edu

Node Leasing

Community Node1 to 12 months$110 per month per node*

*subject to indirect cost

Purchasing Process

How to purchase condo nodes and lease nodes:

View our HPC Ordering Process here.

Koa Research Storage Service

Accelerate your research and store your data on the cluster for faster access.

The University of Hawaiʻi (UH) Koa Research Storage Services offers three different storage solutions for researchers. Find which storage solution fits your research storage needs at the link below.


If you have questions please contact us at uh-hpc-help@lists.hawaii.edu.