Data Science Fellows Program

The HI-DSI Fellowship Program is a training initiative funded by NSF CyberTraining Award #2118222. The program was developed in the Hawaiʻi Data Science Institute to broaden the adoption of cyberinfrastructure skills.
Learn more.

Program by the numbers

44 students have participated in the program since itʻs inception in 2018. 32% work in industry and 68% work in academia. Learn more about the fellows trained through this program.
Interested in supporting a fellow? Contact us at

Interested in contributing a workshop?

Find out how you can contribute a workshop module here.
Get involved by attending an upcoming workshop.

Thank you for your interest in the Data Science Fellows Program. The application portal for HI-DSI- funded positions is currently closed. If you currently have funding from your research mentor and are interested in participating in the program, please contact

program Resources


A multidisciplinary cohort of fellows collaborate to develop and present a workshop series. Fellows gain exposure to opportunities for career development and mentoring, develop data science competencies and collaborate with practicing data scientists.

Learning OUtcomes

This program will cover topics in data management, programming, analysis, visualization, communication and career development. Fellows apply data science skills acquired through
the program to their thesis research projects.

Meet the Current HI-DSI Fellows

Amila Jayakody<br>Arachchillage
Amila Jayakody
Data Science fellow
Tracy Bui
Tracy Bui
Data Science fellow
Arianna Bunnell
Arianna Bunnell
Data Science fellow
Kelli Elliott
Kelli Elliott
Data Science fellow
Emma Layton
Emma Layton
Data Science fellow
Audrey Nash
Audrey Nash
Data Science fellow
Yang Qian
Yang Qian
Data Science fellow
Sophia Ranke
Sophia Ranke
Data Science fellow
Gerardo<br>Rivera Tello
Rivera Tello
Data Science fellow
Fahim Yasir
Fahim Yasir
Data Science fellow
Data Science fellow