Katie Ackerman

  • Data Science Fellow

    Originally from Buffalo, NY, Katie moved to Hawaii in 2016 to pursue her undergraduate degree in Geology and Geophysics. During this time, she took an interest in climate change and decided to pursue an undergraduate thesis on the production of sea salt aerosols, a prevalent aerosol in the marine boundary layer. After completing her BS degree, she’s decided to continue her graduate studies at UH Manoa while expanding her research on sea salt aerosols into climate models and local weather forecasting.


    BS Geology and Geophysics – University of Hawaii at Manoa

    Research Interests

    Current research interests include applications of machine learning in climate models. My main interests relate to cloud production in models such as utilizing ML to represent sub-gridded processes and to lessen the computational expensiveness of convection parameters. Additionally, I’m interested in using ML to help identify favorable atmospheric conditions for variables like cloud brightness and precipitation.