Cedric Arisdakessian
- Data Science FellowComputer Science
Contact Info:
- carisdak
Cedric completed his undergraduate education at École Centrale Lyon in France, where he received a degree in Engineering, with a fast-track Masters degree in Biomathematics, Biostatistics, and Bioinformatics. After graduation, Cedric had the opportunity to apply data science principles to research in biomarker discovery and cancer epigenetics at Sanofi Pasteur in Lyon and the Institute for Advanced Biosciences in Grenoble. At the University of Hawaii, Cedric worked on deep learning approaches for single-cell RNA-seq. Cedric is now working towards a Ph.D. in computational Biology where he applies machine learning algorithms in metagenomics.
Cedric is contributing to the data wrangling module and working with the Center For Microbiome Analysis through Island Knowledge and Investigation (C-MAIKI) to develop pipelines for facilitating the analysis of genomic samples.