Akib Sadmanee

    Akib is a Bangladeshi native who grew up in Dhaka, Bangladesh. In 2020, he completed his undergraduate studies at the Independent University of Bangladesh. During his sophomore year, he was introduced to Artificial Intelligence, which piqued his curiosity over time. In his final year, he discovered his enthusiasm for Natural Language Processing (NLP) and pursued his undergraduate thesis on the evaluation of word embeddings, a vector space representation of words. He started his graduate studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in the fall of 2022. He is now working on constructing a hierarchical taxonomy of keywords from domain-specific documents under the supervision of Dr. Mahdi Belcaid.


    Research Interest:

    Current research interests include document keyword extraction, keyword taxonomy creation, and hidden biases in large language models. My primary interest is in creating taxonomies from domain-specific documents.