REU: Equitable pathways to community disaster resilience
May 28 – August 9, 2024
Review of applicants starts Feb. 22, 2024, and continues until all 10 to 12 spots are filled.
The goal of this Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program is to engage undergrads in research linked to finding equitable pathways to community disaster resilience. Students will learn about water, energy, and transportation systems and resilience. They will also learn about how community planning with a social equity lens can bolster resilience. In addition, they will gain an in-depth understanding of the research process in an interdisciplinary learning space. Professional development, data analytics training, and other activities will support students in navigating future studies and career paths.
Three university options: Kansas State University (KSU), University of Kansas (KU), and Wichita State University (WSU).
Applicable majors include:
- engineering,
- psychology
- sociology
- urban planning
- public policy
- economics
- computer science
- geography
- environmental science
- agriculture
- business,
- mathematics and related fields.
· $6,000 summer stipend, housing, meal plan and more!